New in es6(ecmascript 2015)

1.Default Parameters in ES6 var link = function(height = 50, color = ‘red’, url = ‘’) { //set default value to the parameter … }

2.Multi-line Strings in ES6 var roadPoem = Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

3.Destructuring Assignment in ES6 var { house, mouse} = $(‘body’).data() // we’ll get house and mouse variables

var {jsonMiddleware} = require(‘body-parser’)

var {username, password} = req.body

4,Arrow Functions in ES6 var ids = [‘5632953c4e345e145fdf2df8’,’563295464e345e145fdf2df9’] var messages = => ID is ${value}) // implicit return ${value} new features of es6 of append string

var ids = [‘5632953c4e345e145fdf2df8’,’563295464e345e145fdf2df9’] var messages =, index, list) => ID of ${index} element is ${value} ) // implicit return list-orignal ids

5.Promises in ES6 var wait1000 = ()=> new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {setTimeout(resolve, 1000)})

wait1000() .then(function() { console.log(‘Yay!’) return wait1000() }) .then(function() { console.log(‘Wheeyee!’) });

6.Block-Scoped Constructs Let and Const // Vars are function scoped, but let is limit block

7.Classes in ES6 super() is when a class is extends b class super() is point to b class constractor

8.modules in ES6 // ES 5 syntax module.exports = { port: 3000, getAccounts: function() { … } }

var service = require(‘module.js’) console.log(service.port) // 3000

// ES6 Syntax export var port = 3000 export function getAccounts(url) { … } import {port, getAccounts} from ‘module’ console.log(port) // 3000 //or import * as service from ‘module’ console.log(service.port) // 3000

Written on January 7, 2016